Professional Reviews

Impulsivity and indecision can alter your life completely—let this book help you make the best decisions. The goal of this book is not to make the “perfect” decision for someone, but to allow readers to critically engage with their choices and understand themselves, their environment, and how all of that will impact their future. The Perfect Tulip consists of an introduction, four stories, a summary about personality theories like DISC, presentation of the mobile app tool, and an annex that explains Dutch words and culture. The introduction delves into the “why” of the book and more of the author’s backstory. The four stories revolve around characters in different cities, yet are all interlinked by the same coach, Christiaan De Vries. The summary explains the historical context of personality tests and the way it can influence a person’s values when making a decision. Finally, the annex provides a welcomed translation and understanding of Dutch culture as it pertains to the characters. What sets Perfect Tulip apart from other psychological self-help books, especially as personality tests have risen in popularity? Martinez’s honesty and focus on decision making carves out a niche within the self-help genre and makes Perfect Tulip not just enjoyable, but practical and informative. Martinez makes sure to not just include how people’s personalities influence decisions, but how globalization and cultural norms play a part in how we factor in what is best for us. For example, the weather was something that Martinez and his wife, Danitza, considered for their move, but this may not be the case for someone who’s deciding to move to a country with similar weather patterns. The formatting and structure of the book are sublime. It’s a smooth and informative read, and the story examples are well done—each character easy to empathize with and their situations often difficult to navigate. All the stories centered around sales and work are good, but I do wonder if we could have diversified the content a bit more. While work is an imperative in life for many, it could have broadened the applicability if this tool was used to contemplate other decisions like whether to publish a book or to continue living with parents instead of moving out. The symbolism of the “perfect tulip” is excellent. Each person visualizes differently what a perfect tulip looks for them, a flower that holds a lot of significant historical weight. Readers can explore for themselves what they think a perfect tulip looks like and, in turn, feel immersed in the book’s methodology.
Independent book reviews
Jadidsa Perez
I don’t usually read books within the self-help genre. To be honest, I can’t remember ever reading a book within this genre, but recently I have been going through a tough time so I thought, why not give it a chance? And to be honest, I am glad that I did. The first part of The Perfect Tulip by Alexander Martinez is a collection of short stories about different people facing different situations that could happen to any of us, while the rest of the book explains the methodology behind decision making and how to evaluate the choices presented to us in different situations. I don’t know much about psychology but this book had me hooked from beginning to end. The shorts stories are well-written and the characters are incredibly relatable. The rest of the book, while more heavy on the exposition, explains in a way that does not make the reader feel overwhelmed, thanks to the author’s wonderful writing. This was also something I greatly appreciated because, as I said previously, this is not a genre or area I’m familiar with. The Perfect Tulip is a great book to read, especially if you are having a difficult time. It helped me in more ways that one. Not only is The Perfect Tulip an interesting read, but it makes you think and reflect. While it is outside my comfort zone, I am glad that I gave this book a chance. If you are looking to dive into a new genre, or want to go more in-depth with this subject matter, this might be a worthy book to add to your reading list. I understand that the subject or the genre might not be for everyone, but The Perfect Tulip gets a thumbs up from me
Evelyn Hadley
“The Perfect Tulip (A methodology to evaluate options and make better decisions) by Alexander Martinez is a non-fiction self-help book that would appeal most to a diverse audience of young adults and adults who are interested in Dutch culture, the handling of dilemmas, and decision making. Have you ever been faced with a decision-making dilemma and wondered how to make the best decision? People all over the world face decisions like this every day, yet they lack the tool needed to evaluate the choices and make the right decisions. The author shares four Dutch short stories that provide the context to understanding ‘the perfect tulip’ tool. Are you ready to learn ‘the perfect tulip’ tool and integrate it into your decision-making to ensure you are making the right decisions for yourself? As a psychology graduate, the summary of The Perfect Tulip by Alexander Martinez grabbed my attention as soon as I read it. The idea of a tool that could help me make decisions interested me both as a psychology professional and as an individual that has often faced indecision when it has come to making personal decisions. I liked the Dutch stories as not only did they provide great context, but also they were enjoyable to read. I found the author’s process to be both psychologically sound and extremely useful. I especially liked the focus on how there are no right or wrong answers, but instead different ways of seeing the world and one’s own behavior. Overall, this was an extremely useful book that has led to me making changes in how I make decisions in my personal and professional lives!
Readers Favorite
Sefina Hawke